Download for free! How to meet culturally-diverse students where they are Prepare to teach the culturally diverse…
The questions in this printable reader's guide will help you and your class explore social issues in American history…
Hispanic-American literature can easily be integrated into all levels of school curricula, enriching a uniquely American…
Share a book guide that includes activities and discussion questions that can be successfully integrated into a…
Students learn about the architectural and cultural wonders of the Mayan Empire as they explore ancient Mayan cities and…
The use of different genres in the classroom not only exposes students to a wide variety of literature, but also…
OVERVIEW: This project-based learning lesson is designed to support and reinforce the concepts taught as part of a…
Students use a Web resource to share some of the experiences of immigrants who recently arrived at Ellis Island. Then,…
An article on how to properly combine special education and bilingual education.
Discover thousands of cross-curricular lessons and activities for all grade levels. Find holidays, subject areas, and…
Study a difficult time in Chinese history with this teacher's guide to Ji-li Jiang's Red Scarf Girl: A Memoir of the…
Growing up in the Hispanic section of Chicago, main character Esperanza Cordero shares with readers her feelings and…